French Cuts

Our first class: Kevin tells us only 3 knives are necessary: chef, paring, boning. We used the chef knife or French knife tonight and learned how to hold it: middle finger under, thumb & pointer on the blade. Next one pushes the carrot or celery towards the blade to chop, not really moving your arm, the blade easily rocks back and forth.


We made Brunoise cuts which are 1/8 x 1/8 x 1/8 cubes this way, it’s smaller than a dice.
FATTOM is an acronym for Food, Acid, Time, Temperature, Oxygen, Moisture that helps us to remember the danger zone of food safety 40º to 140º F.
We prepared the veggies for mirepoix.  We cut onions 3/8 inch slices for French onion soup. Onions were sliced in half with the top up , root down, then chopped for mirepoix or sliced for the soup.

        “A pint is a pound, all the world round.”

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